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Check-in time is 4:00 pm and check-out time is 10:00 am.


Check-in time at WindSong Villa begins at 4:00 PM. If your villa is not occupied the day you arrive, you can pre-arrange for an early check-in with us in advance.


If you wish to stay longer than 10:00 AM, you must request this and have your request approved in advance.  We will let you know if someone else is checking in your villa that afternoon or not. A $1,000 penalty will be charged to all parties departing later than 10:00 AM without our prior permission. The simple reason is that we must give our housekeepers time to clean and strip all the beds and launder the bedsheet sheets and towels before our next guests arrive.

Please make WindSong Villa tidy before you leave. This includes disposing of all kitchen trash and garbage to the nearest St. John trash dumpster daily. No garbage should be left at, or in the villa upon departure nor food left out on counters. If there is extra housekeeping or garbage beyond what is normal after departure, the damage deposit will be used for these services.

Please do not leave wet towels in a pile, as the warm and humid conditions will cause them to get musty and mildewed quickly. Please hang them on the towel hooks that are throughout the villa.

And finally, please lock all doors and windows and return villa keys.